Friday, November 23, 2012


I ask those who read this post to please light a candle for all the innocents who have died recently, and their grieving loved ones. 

Our young ones are so very vulnerable.  Some die by accident, some by war; others by disease, abuse, starvation.... Each untimely death diminishes us as a people.

Thank you.


Jo Cripps said...

Yes. Blessed are the young, who see what isn't there. Sometimes our children don't live long enough to realize their dreams, and we are charged with breathing life into what we cannot see but know is there because--the young dream deeply and well. And even in death, they light the way.

Morgan said...

Oh Jo, thank you so very much for this comment.

You so eloquently captured my thoughts.

I am so very happy to know you and experience your kindness and wisdom.
Baxthale phen