Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Another excellent film by Mundi Romani


This is a preview of the film Guilty until Proven Innocent to be released at the end of November 2010. Since July 2010, the French government's policies on the expulsion of Eastern-European Roma from France have fed an unprecedented media frenzy in Europe and beyond. Rarely had the world heard so much about the Roma. Rarely had so many prejudices and oversimplifications been mirrored in public speech about the state of affairs.

 The Budapest-based Romedia Foundation, producer of the award-winning "Mundi Romani - the World through Roma Eyes" series uncovers the roots of the issues at stake in 2010, and brings to light damning evidence of institutionalized racism in Europe.

With the participation of: La Voix des Rroms, GISTI, Open Society Institute, Decade of Roma Inclusion, Sigrid Rausing Trust.

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