Sunday, July 12, 2009


The International Romani Union (Representing Roma and Sinti) have called Sunday 2 August 2009 as International Day of Remembrance for the Roma/Sinti who suffered "the devouring", and who suffer throughout Europe today.

In recognition and support, we are asking all allies to make visible the history and situation of the Romani people on that day.

Please talk to at least one person about the suffering of the Roma/Sinti under the third reich and the dire situation throughout Europe today.

Many readers of this blog are already familiar with these things. There is much relevant information on the blog.

I am writing up a short fact sheet people can refer to. I will post it soon.

Also on Sunday 2 August, please light a candle for the victims of hate, racism, xenophobia,antisemitism, homophobia...the list goes on and on.


Sonia Meyer said...

I love the collection of photographs. I talk to Roma and non-Roma daily. We have to unite and defeat the injustices done to Roma people. There now is hope. The internet is reaching people it never reached before. We must prevent anything close to porraimos to ever happen again. For that we have to speak up.
Sonia Meyer

Morgan said...

Thanks so much for your comment. I appreciate your insights and can't wait to read your newest book Dosha.
I plan to review it on this blog and for the library system I work for.
We respect your talent and your sensitivity to the plight of the Roma/Sinti.

Anonymous said...

Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.

- Daniel